‍7 Things You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth

‍7 Things You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth

Posted by Texas Oral Surgery Group Sep 12, 2022

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‍Wisdom teeth used to serve a very important purpose; however, in current day, they can cause issues if you don't have enough space. Your mouth goes through many changes in your lifetime. The appearance of your third set of molars usually takes place between ages 17 and 21 and are called “wisdom teeth” because they come through at a more mature age. If you want to know more about your wisdom teeth in Denton, TX, your dental staff at Texas Oral Surgery is pleased to help.  

Dentist showing a women her Wisdom Teeth in Denton TX

Wisdom Teeth FAQ’s

A legacy of evolutionary development—wisdom teeth. To chew and rip food, our prehistoric ancestors needed additional molars. We no longer need this third set of molars because we have processed foods and prepared meals easily accessible.  

Every patient is unique, but wisdom teeth sometimes needs to be removed if they start to cause health problems: pain, infection, gum disease, and others.

When Do They Appear and Why is Name Like That?  

Wisdom teeth typically appear no earlier than 15 years of age, and their name represents a mark of maturity. Additionally, they will probably appear no later than 25, but exceptions exist, and every patient is different. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, should be the last permanent teeth to make an appearance.    

Why Do Some Patients Need to Remove them?  

Many patients choose to have a wisdom teeth extraction before complications arise. However, if you choose to hold off you feel discomfort, your dentist will examine how these teeth grew and decide what´s best for you.  

A dentist might advise getting rid of your wisdom teeth for several reasons, such as:  

  • A cavity's beginning to form or the irritation of the tissue around it  
  • Failure to properly and thoroughly clean food and bacteria regularly  
  • Insufficient area to accommodate a complete eruption  
  • Experience unpleasant taste or bad breath
  • Impaction warning signs that could harm nearby roots  
  • Painful contact with the gums or other teeth  
  • Interference with regular jaw movement  

Should I Have Wisdom Teeth Removed If They’re Not Bothering Me?  

Some patients grow their third molars without discomfort or issues, but this does not mean you shouldn't get a checkup. Extraction risks are higher as you get older, so should always consult your dentist for the best option. Some dentists prefer to get them out before age 30 but they know your case history and be able to help you decide on the best course of action.

Can I Control My Wisdom Tooth Pain Naturally?  

A saltwater rinse is one of the most popular treatments for reducing irritation when developing wisdom teeth. This simple saline solution will clean the region and prevent infections from worsening symptoms. You can also use an ice pack and place it on the face's exterior where the area starts swelling or feeling itchy.  

Never eat or drink anything that feels excessively hot or cold on the side of your mouth where a tooth is trying to erupt.  

Why is it Common for Wisdom Teeth to Grow Horizontally?  

Wisdom teeth stay beneath the gum surface for some patients, yet others notice theirs begin to erupt despite the size constraint. Without enough room to grow normally in the arch, the wisdom teeth often erupts horizontally.  

Can You Know if Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming?  

Of course, your brain will recognize the signs of wisdom teeth growth since you have been through this before with the rest of your permanent teeth. You’ll likely notice problems if your mouth is small or your teeth are already closely spaced. Your wisdom teeth will try to move or displace your teeth because they need space to hit comfortably into your existing row.

Does Everybody Get Wisdom Teeth?  

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone has them. Recent studies have concluded that up to around one-third of the population never develops wisdom teeth in the first place.  

Women smiling after a Wisdom Teeth extraction in Denton TX

If you Want More Wisdom Teeth Information, Visit Your Dentist in Denton, TX  

Ask your dentist about all the concerns you have concerning wisdom teeth. Your wisdom teeth may come through with no problems, but it’s better if you have your dentist monitor the growth and watch for signs of upcoming issues. Schedule your appointment today! We’re exciting to get to know you and help you on your journey to a happy and healthy smile.  

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